Source code for tdw_catalog

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional

from tdw_catalog._client import _Client
from tdw_catalog.errors import CatalogInvalidArgumentException, \
from tdw_catalog.utils import ListOrganizationsFilter
    from tdw_catalog.user import User
    import tdw_catalog.organization as organization

[docs]class Catalog(_Client): """ A :class:`.Catalog` is the primary client object for a ThinkData Catalog Parameters ---------- api_key : Optional[str]) An optional api key for the Catalog platform. This parameter must be supplied, containing your personal API key for the Catalog platform, and can only be omitted when supplied via an environment variable `CATALOG_API_KEY` instead. auth_url : Optional[str]) An optional auth url for the Catalog platform. This parameter must only be supplied when connecting to a dedicated Catalog deployment, and can be populated via an envrionment variable `CATALOG_AUTH_URL` instead. Defaults to the auth url for the ThinkData Works SaaS Catalog platform ( api_url : Optional[str]) An optional API url for the Catalog platform. This parameter must only be supplied when connecting to a dedicated Catalog deployment, and can be populated via an envrionment variable `CATALOG_API_URL` instead. Defaults to the API url for the ThinkData Works SaaS Catalog platform ( """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(self, **kwargs) def __clone_with_org_context(self, org_id: str) -> 'Catalog': c = Catalog(api_key=self.api_key, auth_url=self.base_auth_url, api_url=self.base_api_url, org_context=org_id) return c # TODO listing all users does not currently work def _list_users(self, user_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> 'List[User]': """ Retrieve all :class:`.User`\\ s registered with the :class:`.Catalog` server Parameters ---------- user_ids : List[str] An optional list of :class:`.User` IDs to retrieve (retrieves all if not specified) Returns ------- list[User] The :class:`.User`s which are a registered with the :class:`.Catalog` server Raises ------ CatalogPermissionDeniedException If the caller is not allowed to list :class:`.Catalog` :class:`.User`\\ s CatalogException If call to the :class:`.Catalog` server fails """ from tdw_catalog.user import User try: users_details_url = f'{self.base_auth_url}/users/details.json' if (user_ids != None): users_details_url += f'?user_ids={",".join(user_ids)}' res = self._make_catalog_request(users_details_url) identity_users = res.json() return list( map( lambda identity_user: User( client=self, id=identity_user["id"], name=identity_user["name"], email=identity_user["email"], ), identity_users, )) except Exception as e: raise _convert_error(e) def _get_user(self, id: str) -> 'User': """ Retrieve the a specific :class:`.Catalog` :class:`.User` Parameters ---------- id : str The unique ID of the :class:`.User` Returns ------- User The :class:`.User` with the given ID Raises ------ CatalogPermissionDeniedException If the caller is not allowed to fetch :class:`.Catalog` :class:`.User`\\ s CatalogInvalidArgumentException If the given :class:`.User` does not exist CatalogException If call to the :class:`.Catalog` server fails """ from tdw_catalog.user import User try: user_details_url = f'{self.base_auth_url}/users/details.json?user_ids={id}' res = self._make_catalog_request(user_details_url) identity_users = res.json() if (not identity_users or len(identity_users) == 0): raise CatalogInvalidArgumentException( message=f"User {id} does not exist.") return User( client=self, user_id=identity_users[0]["id"], name=identity_users[0]["name"], email=identity_users[0]["email"], ) except Exception as e: raise _convert_error(e)
[docs] def list_organizations( self, filter: 'Optional[ListOrganizationsFilter]' = None ) -> 'List[organization.Organization]': """ Retrieve the list of :class:`.Organization`\\ s to which the caller belongs. Parameters ---------- filter : ListOrganizationsFilter An optional filter on the returned :class:`.Organization`\\ s (`None` by default). Returns ------- list[Organization] The list of :class:`.Organization`\\ s to which the caller belongs, ordered by title (ascending). Raises ------ CatalogException If there is an issue communicating with the :class:`.Catalog` server, or an issue with the server itself """ import tdw_catalog.organization as organization try: rpc_results = self._list_organizations(filter=filter) return list( map( lambda o: organization.Organization( client=self.__clone_with_org_context(o["id"]), **o), rpc_results)) except Exception as e: raise _convert_error(e)
[docs] def get_organization(self, id: str) -> 'organization.Organization': """ Retrieve a specific :class:`.Organization` Parameters ---------- id : str The UUID of the :class:`.Organization` Returns ------- Organization The :class:`.Organization` which has the provided id, if it exists and the caller is a member of it Raises ------ CatalogPermissionDeniedException If the caller is not a member of the given :class:`.Organization`, or if it does not exist CatalogException If there is an issue communicating with the :class:`.Catalog` server, or an issue with the server itself """ import tdw_catalog.organization as organization return organization.Organization.get( client=self.__clone_with_org_context(id), id=id)
[docs] def create_organization(self, title: str) -> 'organization.Organization': """ Creates an :class:`.Organization` Parameters ---------- title : str The title for the new :class:`.Organization` Returns ------- Organization The created :class:`.Organization` Raises ------ CatalogException If there is an issue communicating with the :class:`.Catalog` server, or an issue with the server itself """ import tdw_catalog.organization as organization try: rpc_result = self._create_organization( organization={"title": title}) return organization.Organization( client=self.__clone_with_org_context(rpc_result["id"]), **rpc_result) except Exception as e: raise _convert_error(e)