from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
import math
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import sys
import typing
import zlib
from aiohttp import ClientResponse, ClientSession
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from enum import StrEnum
from backports.strenum import StrEnum
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, List, Union
import collections
from sys import getsizeof
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil
from tdw_catalog.errors import CatalogException
from urllib.request import Request
class _ExportFormat(IntEnum):
CSV = 0
[docs]class FilterSortOrder(Enum):
ASC = 1
DESC = 2
[docs]class ConnectionPortalType(StrEnum):
GS = 'Gs'
S3 = 'S3'
UNITY = 'Unity'
FTP = 'Ftp'
SFTP = 'Sftp'
EXTERNAL = 'External'
NULL = 'Null'
IMPORT_LITE = 'ImportLite'
HTTP = 'Http'
CATALOG = 'Namara'
# TODO remove and replace with constants from namara-go generated code
[docs]class ColumnType(StrEnum):
The different possible data types for :class:`.Column`\ s within a :class:`.DataDictionary`
BOOLEAN = 'boolean'
DATE = 'date'
DATETIME = 'datetime'
INTEGER = 'integer'
DECIMAL = 'decimal'
PERCENT = 'percent'
CURRENCY = 'currency'
STRING = 'string'
TEXT = 'text'
GEOMETRY = 'geometry'
GEOJSON = 'geojson'
[docs]class ImportState(StrEnum):
The different possible states an imported dataset might occupy. Virtualized datasets
will always show state ``IMPORTED``.
IMPORTED = 'imported'
IMPORTING = 'importing'
QUEUED = 'queued'
FAILED = 'failed'
class CurrencyFieldValue():
:class:`.CurrencyFieldValue` models the value of a currency field
value : float
The currency value
currency : str
The specific currency to which the value belongs
value: float
currency: str
class FilterSort:
:class:`.FilterSort` describes a desired sort field and order for results.
field : str
The field to sort by
order : FilterSortOrder, optional
The order to sort in (`FilterSortOrder.ASC` by default)
field: str
order: FilterSortOrder = FilterSortOrder.ASC
class LegacyFilter:
:class:`.LegacyFilter` describes the ways in which results should be filtered and/or
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of results. Useful for pagination. (`None` by default)
offset : int, optional
Offsets the result list by the given number of results. Useful for pagination. (`None` by default)
limit: int = None
offset: int = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = {}
if self.limit is not None:
new_filter["limit"] = {"value": self.limit}
if self.offset is not None:
new_filter["offset"] = {"value": self.offset}
return new_filter
[docs]class Filter(LegacyFilter):
:class:`.Filter` describes the ways in which results should be filtered and/or
paginated. It is serialized in a new way vs :class:`.LegacyFilter`
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of results. Useful for pagination. (`None` by default)
offset : int, optional
Offsets the result list by the given number of results. Useful for pagination. (`None` by default)
def serialize(self):
new_filter = super().serialize()
new_filter["offset"] = {"offset": self.offset}
return new_filter
class SortableFilter(LegacyFilter):
:class:`.SortableFilter` describes the ways in which results should be filtered,
paginated and/or sorted.
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of results. Useful for pagination. (`None` by default)
offset : int, optional
Offsets the result list by the given number of results. Useful for pagination. (`None` by default)
sort : FilterSort, optional
Specifies a desired sort field and order for results (`None` by default).
sort: FilterSort = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = super().serialize()
if self.sort is not None:
new_filter["sort"] = {
"ASC" if self.sort.order == FilterSortOrder.ASC else "DESC"
return new_filter
class ListOrganizationsFilter(LegacyFilter):
:class:`.ListOrganizationsFilter` filters :class:`.Organization` results according to a set of provided ids
organization_ids : str[], optional
Filters results according to a set of provided ids
organization_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = super().serialize()
if self.organization_ids is not None:
new_filter["organization_ids"] = self.organization_ids
return new_filter
class ListSourcesFilter(LegacyFilter):
:class:`.ListSourcesFilter` filters results according to :class:`.Source` fields
labels : Optional[str]
Filters results by label. This will match label substrings.
labels: Optional[str] = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = super().serialize()
if self.labels is not None:
new_filter["labels"] = list(self.labels)
return new_filter
class ListConnectionsFilter(LegacyFilter):
:class:`.ListConnectionsFilter` filters results according to Connection fields
organization_id : Optional[str]
Filters results by `organization_id`
source_ids : Optional[List[str]]
Filters results to the given `source_id(s)`
portals : Optional[List[ConnectionPortalType]]
Filters results to the given :class:`.ConnectionPortalType`\\ (s)
organization_id: Optional[str] = None
source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None
portals: Optional[List[ConnectionPortalType]] = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = super().serialize()
if self.organization_id is not None:
new_filter["organization_id"] = self.organization_id
if self.source_ids is not None:
new_filter["source_ids"] = self.source_ids
if self.portals is not None:
new_filter["portals"] = self.portals
return new_filter
class ListGlossaryTermsFilter(Filter):
:class:`.ListGlossaryTermsFilter` filters results according to :class:`.GlossaryTerm` ids
glossary_term_ids : Optional[List[str]]
Filters results to the given `glossary_term_id(s)`
glossary_term_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = super().serialize()
if self.glossary_term_ids is not None:
new_filter["glossary_term_ids"] = self.glossary_term_ids
return new_filter
class QueryFilter(SortableFilter):
:class:`.QueryFilter` filters results according to a NiQL query
query : str, optional
Filters results according to a NiQL query
query: Optional[str] = None
def serialize(self):
new_filter = SortableFilter.serialize(self)
if self.query is not None:
new_filter["query"] = {"value": self.query}
return new_filter
def _parse_timestamp(timestamp: Union[str, datetime, dict]) -> datetime:
if isinstance(timestamp, datetime):
return timestamp
# handle NullableTimestamp
elif isinstance(timestamp, dict) and ('timestamp' in timestamp
or 'is_null' in timestamp):
if 'is_null' in timestamp and timestamp['is_null'] == True:
return None
return dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp["timestamp"])
return dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp)
def _convert_datetime_to_nullable_timestamp(date: datetime):
timestamp = date.timestamp()
seconds = int(timestamp)
# getting the trailing numbers and converting to nanoseconds
nanos = int(((timestamp % 1) * 1000) * 10000)
return {
"is_null": False,
"timestamp": {
"seconds": seconds,
"nanos": nanos,
# with help from
def _type_is_optional(field):
return typing.get_origin(field) is Union and \
type(None) in typing.get_args(field)
async def _download_export(
download_url: str,
format: Optional[_ExportFormat] = None,
f_out: Optional[BinaryIO] = None) -> Optional[Union[str, BinaryIO]]:
async with ClientSession() as session:
# TODO support gunzip
async with session.get(download_url, allow_redirects=True) as response:
if f_out is not None:
decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(
16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS
) if format == _ExportFormat.CSV_GZIP else None
async for chunk in response.content.iter_chunked(4096):
if decompressor is not None:
dchunk = decompressor.decompress(chunk)
return None
async with session.get(download_url,
allow_redirects=True) as response:
if format is _ExportFormat.PARQUET:
return BytesIO(await
elif format is _ExportFormat.CSV_GZIP:
return gzip.decompress(await"utf-8")
return await response.text("utf-8")